Monday, 15 August 2011


A huge thank to  Rosie and all of the staff at the Bluewater Krispy Kreme
Jimmy had an AMAZING time and learnt so much, all thanks to you.

and a special thank you goes out to Josie Wiltshire who helped make this possible

Jimmy now wants to work for Krispy Kreme as a taster !
he says he can start in september

1st doughnut of the day - hot traditional glaze

Now time for a taster session - Coconut ice, Crème Brulee and mango and passion cheesecake

Jimmy preparing to make his own chocolate iced with sprinkles



Now Jimmy puts the filling into the doughnuts

Jimmy feeling the dough

Feeling the heat from where the doughnuts rise

Checking out the size of the mixing bowl and how it stirs

Feeling the size of the smaller mixing bowl, ready to make the glazed cruller

Eating again !

Interpreting to jimmy how they make the glazed cruller while he eats one !

Thank you so much Rosie

Also a thank you to my dad for taking the photos - when he managed to stop talking !

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