Magic Touch

In 2003 I started to adapt and perform magic so it could be accessed by visually impaired people.
This started of as a bit of an experiment to hopefully create inclusion
I performed and taught magic specifically to and for blind and Deafblind people (both Deaf and Blind)
Many years have passed and this continues to grow and grow - I have toured with Jimmy  as my assistant, 


Jimmy was born Deaf and went blind at the age of 18 - he is now 50
We performed for Sense, plus various disability groups up and down the country.
plus various special needs schools and groups

Jimmy was lucky to attend the Blackpool magic convention twice many years ago with thanks to funding from Derren Brown, Kaymar Magic, Jamie Raven, Uri Gellar, Beard Juggling and The Berglas magic foundation.

This was an amazing opportunity for him and opened up many doors

We have since taken 2 more gentlemen to the convention in 2018

They both have severe cerebral palsy and was keen to widen their magic knowledge 
they both had an amazing time


Magic touch continues to thrive on a relaxed basis - but it is something that never stops, there maybe relaxed periods but it always comes back

none of the shows of performances or one to ones that I do i charge for

Ii do this free
because i love doing it and it also makes magic more accessible

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