Tuesday 3 July 2012

Olympic flame comes to Peterborough - Jimmy

We got to feel one of thos hats, but it all happened to quick to get a photo


We took Jimmy for a meal (as it rained)
and he had never had a coke float!

Jimmy loved this so much!
he even gave her a kiss!

This one on the other hand he told was fat and he got the hump!

For me this was the highlight of the day - Jimmy got to feel a real torch
yesterday he assumed it took battery's
and now thanks to this runner all was made clear, god bless her whoever she was

This evening out was only planned this morning
so through it we taught jimmy what the word spontaneous
this was very good for him
as everything is always planned weeks in advance
so for us to turn up and say we are taking you out
this was a new concept to him

we also watched a concert by a band called the huxleys
that he loved

an amazing evening

This trip was funded by Phil Rubery

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