Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sensory Legion - onward and upwards

Hi everyone,
Just to keep you all up to speed!
Since the huge response to FEEL THE FORCE DAY
we will hopefully be making these events yearly.
You will be able to follow our progress online on Facebook at either extreme clowning or 1st sensory legion.
The event in Peterborough started off very small, and had no intention of becoming as big as it has - originally there was no more than 20 guests - now we have roughly 400 coming!

Our mission is to try and keep everything accessable as we can, we will try and provide costumes and props that can be touched, and a disabled friendly venue.

For me it is not about making money, i am not interested in the commercial side - this is why i dont have any trading stalls.

Its about creating access to the important things - such as the costume characters and the celebs.

Lucasfilm are aware of our event - but have told me that if we decide to hold another one similar i would have to go through them.
We dont have money to pay for liscensing, and to have an event like this defeats the whole object.
So in future the events will be mixed - ie star wars, dr who, star trek etc etc etc

Please spread the word to costumers - as we will need a good mix of the weird and wonderful to help the sevice users discovers things that we all love so much.

It amazes me that some of this stuff goes undiscoverd.

Feel the force day, has attracted so many different people aged from 4 - 80
some love star wars
some have never heard of it
80% have NEVER been to a convention or anything like this
and at least 10 guys in wheelchairs that are coming hate star wars but will be there for the bar and the slave Leia bikini!