Tuesday 4 June 2013

Extreme Clowning - NEWS - calling all magicians, childrens entertainers, jugglers.

Extreme Clowning

Extreme Clowning started in 2003
the work we have done in the last 10 years has been small
but needed
There is no one else that offers what we offer.
Due to demand we are in the process of expansion.
And we are becoming a C.I.C (Community Interest Company)

 There is a huge amount of people in Peterborough who are disabled , visually impaired and have learning dissabilities.
We would like to offer them something different, something fun, something that dose not involve stuffing envelopes or botcha!
Extreme Clowning aims to deliver something different 
that is previously not available elsewhere
As far as we know this will be the first group of its kind offering these subjects especially aimed at disabled. 

we have a venue in mind and already people have shown interest.
Our activities will focus on the alternate arts - such as

balloon modelling
prop building
make up etc

 Jimmy was born Deaf and went blind at the age of 18
he discovered magic through Extreme Clowning

we are currently looking for sponsors of equipment, 
In the past we have been sponsored by the Berglas foundation, Derren Brown, Uri Geller, Kaymar Magic, and Beard Juggling 

Anyone can help by donating props which we can use in our sessions.
I am pleased to announce that Beard Juggling are already on board and are donating some juggling equipment

we will need 
anything that you can spare

these items do not have to be new
a lot of the magic will be adapted to be used with the visually impaired
so condition is not a major requirement

if you can help in anyway please message me at Extremeclowning@hotmail.co.uk
and we will add you on our website as a sponsor

please spread the word
and think of us if you have any unwanted magic / props etc
that we could use and teach a new generation of performers


check out our website

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